Your Donation furthers our movement...
The Dundee Township Republican Organization is a Not for Profit Organization. We rely on the generosity of our members donations, time and finances, and need the support from the communities we serve. Any donation at any time for any amount is of great help to us. Our organization's Executive Board Treasurer provides monthly details and reports to our community/members at every monthly committee meeting. All money is diverted to furthering the campaigns of Republicans we support from our area, events coordinated by our organization and dues or administrative costs incurred.
2024 will be approaching another important Presidential Election year. However, primaries are occurring every Spring and November elections are cycling in and out each consecutive year various public service positions. That is why our commitment to keeping our party engaged and active in the community is very important. Donations we collect are used to help Republicans in our area to win elections (signs, mailings, door hangings, phone calls, stamps, etc. all cost money.)
We want to maintain a level of service to our community that we can be proud of. We would love for you to participate in that by any means, be it joining us as committeemen, helping at events, becoming a digital activist or donating to our cause. Thank You for all your support! We will work hard every day to earn it.